Three-layer parquet gradations

The natural pattern and color of the oak varies greatly. With this guide you will be able to understand the various differences between the boards, ordered in degrees, so that you can choose exactly the aspect that best suits your design and that creates the right impact in your environment.


This gradation has a natural color and a fine grain without major color variations. It can hold a small number of small healthy knots. The select boards are characterized as harmonious, elegant and calm. Only the best quality oak lumber is used.


This classification generally has a fine grain with natural variations in color, grain and texture. It can hold a small number of large healthy knots, cracks and small dark knots. The prime classification has a natural variation in color, grain and structure that has a balanced appearance without losing the unique appearance of the wood.


This classification can have a lively variation in color, grain and texture. Some color variations may also occur. There may be a limited number of large and healthy knots and cracks, dark knots and filled cracks and collections of spiked knots. It may also contain some limited size knot holes as well as some filled crevices.


This classification has a lively variation in color and grain. Healthy knots and bark pockets of all sizes may be present, as well as collections of small knots (burrs). The sapwood can be on both long sides of the boards. Medullary rays and filled cracks can occur on most planks.


Vibrant texture, this classification has a very lively variation in color and grain. There are no limitations in the shape and size of the knots, which can be cracked and filled, or grouped into small collections. Every single plank features a unique and strong rustic look.